Training & Workshops

1. Understanding Performance Management
Compassionately giving a staff member a genuine opportunity to improve performance
Read Ruth's LinkedIn Article - The Dreaded PIP
How to conduct a process which is procedurally and substantively fair and which is also conducted with compassion to give a staff member a genuine opportunity to improve?
- Distinguishing a performance management process from performance reviews/appraisals
- What does the law require with performance management?
- How to best apply the law in practice?
- How to prepare for a performance management process?
- How to conduct the performance management process – the do’s and don’ts
- What are the possible outcomes?
- Other types of termination of employment
2. Preventing and Responding to Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
In conflict, people are often quick to label or 'name-call' each other as a ‘bully’. Sometimes this description is accurate, however ‘discrimination,’, ‘harassment’, ‘sexual harassment’ and ‘bullying’ have legal definitions which need to be met for the label to stand.
- What is discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying in the law?
- Organisations are required to take reasonable steps in response to inappropriate or unlawful behaviour – what are these steps?
- When can Reasonable Management Action be raised by an organisation?
- How to know if behaviour is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour?
- How to respond to these matters to ensure the best outcomes for all?
3. Complaints Management
There are so many effective ways to respond to complaints informally without needing to make a formal complaint requiring an investigation.
Read Ruth's LinkedIn Article: We can’t do anything until you’ve made a formal complaint
- Are you familiar with all the informal complaints options?
- Does your complaints policy and procedure clearly distinguish between informal and formal options?
- What are the key complaints handling principles?
- How to determine the most effective and appropriate approach to take?
- How to effectively handle complaints?
4. Having Contact Officers in your Organisation
Contact Officers play a vital role in helping staff:
- Understand the legal requirements to prove discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying;
- Explore different ways to respond to inappropriate behaviour depending on the particular situation;
- Understand the difference between informal and formal complaints handling options and their different consequences; and
- Feel supported in making the right choices and getting the best outcome to stop the inappropriate or unlawful behaviour.
5. Soft skills for Leaders, Managers and Teams
- Re-defining Leadership
- Self-responsibility, accountability and engagement
- Earning trust and respect
- Agility, up-skilling and responding to change
- Characteristics of functional and dysfunctional teams
- Resolving conflict
- Communication and emotional intelligence
- Valuing diversity within a team
- Setting boundaries and negotiating needs
- Providing safe feedback and active listening